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Data for IP3 Betatron Cleaning

The data is zipped using tar and bzip (extract using tar -xjvf filename).

Sceanrio2 using collimators in IP3 plus additional vertical primaries and secondaries at nominal betatron cleaning settings
Scenario, beam1 vertical halo

Losses on tertiary collimators in IP1 and IP5 for ideal machine

The data is zipped using tar and bzip (extract using tar -xjvf filename).
Data for lowb collission optics, horizontal halo beam1
Data for lowb collission optics, horizontal halo beam2
Data for lowb collission optics, vertical halo beam1
Data for lowb collission optics, vertical halo beam2
Summary file for all four cases: summary_all

Losses on TCDQ and TCSG collimators in IP6 for ideal machine

The data is zipped using tar and bzip (extract using tar -xjvf filename).
Data for lowb collission optics, horizontal halo beam1
Data for lowb collission optics, horizontal halo beam2
For lowb collission optics, vertical halo only ~ three particles were lost on TCDQ and TCSG
Data for lowb collission optics, vertical halo beam2

Losses on TCDQ and TCSG collimators (onesided) in IP6 for ideal machine

The data is zipped using tar and bzip (extract using tar -xjvf filename).
Data for lowb collission optics, horizontal halo (side of pos. jaw) beam1
Data for lowb collission optics, horizontal halo (side of pos. jaw) beam2
Data for lowb collission optics, horizontal halo (side of neg. jaw) beam1
Data for lowb collission optics, horizontal halo (side of neg. jaw) beam2

Losses on TCDQ and TCSG collimators (onesided) in IP6 including energy spread

The data is zipped using tar and bzip (extract using tar -xjvf filename).
Data for lowb collission optics, horizontal halo (side of pos. jaw) beam1
Data for lowb collission optics, horizontal halo (side of pos. jaw) beam2
Data for lowb collission optics, horizontal halo (side of neg. jaw) beam1
Data for lowb collission optics, horizontal halo (side of neg. jaw) beam2

Th. Weiler, AB/ABP-LOC, 22 November 2006