Beam Impact Dsitrubtions On Collimators For Shower Studies

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Availabel optic confugurations Explanation of input file Coordinate frame definition Links to files

This site contains links to the beam impact distributions on the LHC collimation system for various operation scenarios. This includes different optics settings (450: GeV injection, 7TeV: early collission, nominal collission) and configurations of the LHC collimation system (opening and number of collimators used). The following sections will describe the availabel optics, the composition of the input files and last section will give a link to files.

Available Optic Configurations

optics name energy IP1 IP2 IP5 IP8
[GeV] crossing/seperation cross./sep. cross./sep. cross./sep.
inj.450 450 on/on on/on on/on on/on
lowb.coll 7000 on/off on/off on/off on/off
lowb.coll_all 7000 on/off on/off on/off on/off
lowb.ecoll 7000 on/off on/off on/off on/off
lowb.all 7000 on/off on/off on/off on/off
lowb.rlc 7000 on/off on/on on/off on/off

optics name energy IP1 IP2 IP5 IP8 ALICE LHCB
[GeV] ß* [m] ß* [m] ß* [m] ß* [m] spectrometer spectrometer
inj.450 450 17.0 10.0 17.0 10.0 off off
lowb.coll 700 0.55 10.0 0.55 10.0 off off
lowb.coll_all 700 0.55 10.0 0.55 10.0 on on
lowb.all 700 0.55 0.50 0.55 1.0 on on
lowb.ecoll 700 2.0 10.0 2.0 2.0 on on
lowb.rlc 700 0.55 10.0 0.55 2.0 on off

Explanation of the Input Files

The files containing the impact distribution on the elements (collimators) may not include header explaining the contents of the columns. Therefore the table below explains composition of the file and the meaning.

collimator ID name rotation [radiant] s-position x-position xp y-postion yp interaction type(*) particle ID turn
58 0 0.155147 -7.62721 -0.030752 0.0400282 0.0329704 1 5039 13
58 0 0.101235 -7.56941 -0.0150631 0.0942428 0.00245703 1 634 27
58 0 0.055993 -7.79939 -0.0216831 -0.33547 0.00101564 1 736 8
58 0 0.039045 -7.63263 -0.00609148 -0.314906 -0.00926711 1 304 72

The collimator ID is a unique number (within all colliators according to the same beam) for a collimator, e.g. the collimator 58 is the TCTH.4L5.B1, which is horizontal tertiary collimator. The real name of the collimator is normally contained in the filename. The roatation is given in radiants for the above example the collimator is a horizntal and therefore the roataion is zero (e.g. a vertical is rotated by Pi/2 = 1.57). The rotation is done clockwise according to the coordinate system of the beam. The s-position is given in meters from the starting point of the collimator jaw, the x- and y-position is given in milimeters from the origin of the coordinate system (this means that the opening of the collimator is not subtracted). The interaction types are summarized in the table below, the particle ID is the number asinged to the particle by SixTrack to keep track of the particle and the turn stated the number of turns done in the accelerator by particle before it interacted.

# (*) interaction type
1 particle absorbed
2 nuclear elastic scattering
3 pp elastic scattering
4 single diffractive scattering
5 Coulomb scattering

Definition of Coordinate frame

The picture above shows the definition of the refrence frames used for each beam. Beam1 goes clockwise and beam 2 counter-clockwise. The azimuthal angle defining the rotation of an element (collimator) starts from the positive x-axis and is measured clockwise in the x-y plane.

Links to Input Files

Data for inj.450 optics
Data for lowb.coll optics
Data for lowb.coll_all optics
Data for lowb.all optics
Data for lowb.rlc optics
Data for accident scenario optics

Th. Weiler, AB/ABP-LOC, 16 August 2006